Update a toast

When you update a toast, the toast options and the content are inherited but don't worry you can update them as well.


Basic example

import React from 'react';
import { toast } from 'material-react-toastify';
function Example() {
const toastId = React.useRef(null);
const notify = () => toastId.current = toast("Hello", { autoClose: false });
const update = () => toast.update(toastId.current, { type: toast.TYPE.INFO, autoClose: 5000 });
return (
<button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>
<button onClick={update}>Update</button>

Update the content

If you want to change the content it's straightforward as well. You can render any valid element including a react component. Pass your value to a render option as follow:

// With a string
toast.update(toastId, {
render: "New content",
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
autoClose: 5000
// Or with a component
toast.update(toastId, {
render: MyComponent
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
autoClose: 5000
toast.update(toastId, {
render: () => <div>New content</div>
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
autoClose: 5000

Update the toast id

If you want to update the toastId it can be done. But don't forget to use the new id if you want to update your toast again 😅!

const myNewToastId = 'loremIpsum';
toast.update(toastId, {
render: "New content",
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
autoClose: 5000,
toastId: myNewToastId
toast.update(myNewToastId, {
render: MyComponent
autoClose: 6000

Apply a transition

By default, when you update a toast, there is no transition applied. If you want to apply a transition, it can be done via the className or the transition option:


// with css
toast.update(toastId, {
render: "New Content",
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
//Here the magic
className: 'rotateY animated'
// with transition
toast.update(toastId, {
render: "New Content",
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
//Here the magic
transition: Rotate

Reset option or inherit from ToastContainer

If you want to inherit props from the ToastContainer, you can reset an option by passing null. It's particularly useful when you remove the closeButton from a toast and you want it back during the update.

function Example(){
const toastId = React.useRef(null);
const notify = () => {
toastId.current = toast("Hello", {
autoClose: false,
closeButton: false // Remove the closeButton
const update = () => {
toast.update(toastId.current, {
type: toast.TYPE.INFO,
autoClose: 5000,
closeButton: null // The closeButton defined on ToastContainer will be used
return (
<button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>
<button onClick={update}>Update</button>