Define a custom enter and exit transition

The toast relies on react-transition-group for the enter and exit transition. Any transition built with react-transition-group should work!

I'll use the zoom animation from animate.css to build a custom transition


/* style.css*/
@keyframes zoomIn {
from {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);
50% {
opacity: 1;
.zoomIn {
animation-name: zoomIn;
@keyframes zoomOut {
from {
opacity: 1;
50% {
opacity: 0;
transform: scale3d(.3, .3, .3);
to {
opacity: 0;

Using the cssTransition helper

The easiest way to roll your own transition is by using the cssTransition helper. Doing so you don't need to deal with react-transition-group. You only need to provide the enter and the exit class name, the transition duration is set to 750ms by default but it can be overridden. The cssTransition will also take care to collapse the toast when they exited.

import React from 'react';
import { toast, cssTransition } from 'material-react-toastify';
import './style.css';
const Zoom = cssTransition({
enter: 'zoomIn',
exit: 'zoomOut',
function App(){
const notify = () => {
toast("ZoomIn and ZoomOut", {
transition: Zoom,
return <button onClick={notify}>Notify</button>;

Different duration for enter and exit

If you want the transition duration to be different between the enter and exit transition pass an array:

const Zoom = cssTransition({
enter: 'zoomIn',
exit: 'zoomOut',
duration: 500 // both transition duration will be 500ms
const Zoom = cssTransition({
enter: 'zoomIn',
exit: 'zoomOut',
duration: [500, 800] // zoomIn will last 500ms while zoomOut will last 800ms

Handle transition based on the toast position

Some transitions are based on the toast position. This is the case for the default one. If you pass appendPosition to the cssTransition helper as shown below, the current position will be appended to the enter and exit class name:

const Zoom = cssTransition({
// zoomIn will become zoomIn--top-right or zoomIn--top-left and so on
enter: 'zoomIn',
// zoomIn will become zoomOut--top-right or zoomOut--top-left and so on
exit: 'zoomOut',
// default to false
appendPosition: true

Don't forget to add the position as well when you write your css animations

Prevent the toast from collapsing after the exit animation

By default, the remaining toast will collapse smoothly

This can be disabled as well:

const Zoom = cssTransition({
collapse: false,
enter: 'zoomIn',
exit: 'zoomOut',

Tweak collapse duration

The default duration is 300ms. This is also easy to change 💪

const Zoom = cssTransition({
collapseDuration: 500,
enter: 'zoomIn',
exit: 'zoomOut',

Create a transition with the Transition component

You can also use the Transition component from react-transition-group if you want more control.

When you create your own transition the following props are passed:

  • in: this tell if the component is visible or not (same as react-transition-group)
  • appear: this tell to animate the component when it's visible (same as react-transition-group)
  • nodeRef: the node ref.(same as react-transition-group)
  • done: this callback should be called at the end of your transition
  • position: the toast position
  • preventExitTransition: this will be true if the toast has been closed by a drag event

In the example below we will reimplement the cssTransition helper.

import React from 'react';
import { toast, collapseToast } from 'material-react-toastify';
import { Transition } from 'react-transition-group';
const ZoomInAndOut = ({ children, position, done, nodeRef ...props }) => {
const node = nodeRef.current;
const onEnter = () => {
node.classList.add("the class used on enter"); = 'forwards'; = '800ms';
// let's clean a bit 🤣
const onEntered = () => {
node.classList.remove("the class used on enter"); = '';
const onExit = () => {
node.classList.add(exitClassName); = 'forwards'; = '800ms';
// listen for our exit animation to finish and trigger collapseStart
node.addEventListener('animationend', onCollapseStart)
const onCollapseStart = () => {
collapseToast(node, done, 300);
// clean the listener
node.removeEventListener('animationend', onCollapseStart);
// specify the duration of the animation. For the exit, we add collapse duration as well
const timeout = {
enter: 800,
exit: 800 + 300
return (
{/* spread remaining props: in, appear */}
{/* toast has been closed by drag, no animation need */}
timeout={ preventExitTransition ? 0 : timeout}
{/* if toast has been closed by drag don't animate */}
onExit={preventExitTransition ? done : onExit}

This can seem intimidating but if you know react-transition-group, this is really straightforward.

Of course, you could also the CSSTransition component if you wish.